Our support team carries out a wide range of different duties as well as covering the reception desk. Duties include general administration, notes summarising, patient recalls, referrals, registrations, web-site & social media, QOF management, reporting etc.
Our support team is usually your first point of contact with practice and each member of the team is fully trained in the activities relating to the day to day operation of practice. Support staff are bound by the same codes of practice as the clinical team relating to confidentiality and you can speak to them freely and in complete confidence.
Amanda | Reception / Administrator |
Claire | Administrator |
Claire S | Reception / Administrator |
Dawn | Reception / Administrator |
Delia | Reception / Administrator |
Debbie | Reception Supervisor |
Hilary | Reception / Administrator |
Julia | Reception / Administrator / Dispenser |
Laura | Administrator |
Letty | Reception / Administrator |
Lisa | Reception / Administrator |
Sarah | Reception / Administrator |
Susan | Reception / Administrator |
Susie | Reception / Administrator |
Wendy | Reception / Administrator |
Zena | Reception Supervisor |