Most people are aware that there is no quick fix when it comes to losing weight and that a simple change in lifestyle which combines eating a healthier diet and taking more exercise is the only way to achieve lasting weight loss.
Although it sounds simple, we do understand that making and sticking to the necessary changes is not easy. We also know that sometimes a bit of support can go a long way in helping us achieve our goals.
We offer weight loss support for anyone who needs to get their BMI down to a healthy level. Our health care assistant Sam can give practical advice and guidance when it comes to losing weight and getting into shape.
She will measure your initial BMI and set sensible weight loss targets over a realistic time frame to help you get to where you need to be.
We can also refer patients wishing to take up exercise to the Leisure Centre in Towcester for support in establishing a fitness program.
After a few weeks when you begin to feel the benefits of the changes you’re making as well as see them, she will help you reevaluate your goals which will in turn support you in maintaining a healthier, fitter and leaner lifestyle.
Give us a call and book in with Sam as soon as you are ready to eat wise and drop a size.
Below are links to some helpful on-line tools to help with weight loss.