Covid-19 vaccine news…

Vaccination Update (10/8/21)

We have moved on to invite people aged 18 years and above.

We can also now invite people who are aged within 3 months of their 18th birthday. If you fit this criteria please contact Towcester Medical Centre and ask to book an appointment. However, we cannot do this in advance, so please only contact when you are within the 3 months of becoming 18.

We are also constantly reviewing the other age groups and Groups 1-9 to ensure we have contacted all our patients to invite for a covid 19 vaccination. If you know of anyone in your household or lives nearby that you know has not yet been contacted please ask them to contact us to enquire.

We are also dealing with the numerous second doses of both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer vaccines. We try in every case to invite people shortly before their 12th week but sometimes this is not possible. The Government have also released the news that people can now have their second dose at 8 weeks. If we can fit you in to do this we will and we will contact you, however, there are a number of people still waiting for their second dose that are already beyond 8 weeks and we will deal with those first.


Please be reassured that the first dose remains as effective as before even if you miss your 8th-12th week date – you will still need the booster dose and we will contact you as soon as we can to book an appointment for you.

Please be patient, our colleagues are working as hard as they can to deal with any queries regarding the challenging vaccination process in a climate which is apt to change at a moment’s notice.

Vaccination Update (6/4/21):

Vaccination Update (30/3/21):

We are currently inviting those patients in Group 9 (50yrs and above with no underlying health condition) and also reviewing Groups 1-8 to ensure we have captured all patients within those groups.

If you, or a member of your family, falls into one of those groups and have not yet been invited for your first dose please contact us and talk to a member of our staff.

We are also working through the lists for the second dose of the covid vaccination – working with those who had their first dose 11-12 weeks previously. Again if you, or a member of your family, had their first dose between 11-12 weeks prior to the current date please contact us and talk to a member of our staff.

Dora is a 65 year old lady who works at St George’s Hospital and has recently had the vaccine – listen to what she has to say by following the link below:


Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the rollout of the covid vaccination.

Q       I have received a letter inviting me to the mass vaccination service but I am unable to get there

      Contact TADD. n They may be able to help you. There is no need to pay a membership fee.

If you want to have it done at Towcester Medical Centre we will be able to help you when we have completed all our patients with underlying certain health conditions in cohort 6. We will contact you when these patients have all been vaccinated.

Q       I am a carer

      Certain carers are eligible for the vaccine in group 6 These are: Those who are eligible for a carer’s allowance, or those who are the sole or primary carer of an elderly or disabled person who is at increased risk of COVID-19 mortality and therefore clinically vulnerable.

If you fit this description you can book an appointment with the national booking service on or telephone 119

If you are not currently eligible for carers allowance but feel you are eligible for the vaccine because you are the sole carer, providing personal care for a person on the clinically extremely vulnerable list or an elderly person please send in confirmation of the name and address of the person you care for if they meet this criteria.

Q       I am a teacher or key worker

A       If you are a health and social care worker contact the national booking service on  or telephone 119. Other key workers are vaccinated in line with Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) rules

Q       When will I get my vaccine?

A       All vaccinations will be done in the order on the JCVI list

Q       Can I choose whether I get the Pfizer or Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine

      No, we will invite patients in the order as per the JCVI and we do not have control over which vaccine we receive.  Any vaccines that are available will have been approved because they pass the MHRA’s tests on safety and efficacy, so people should be assured that whatever vaccine they get, it is worth their while.

Q       Do I have to pay for the vaccine?

A       No, it is free on the NHS The NHS will not ask you for any banking information or your PIN

Q       Are there special circumstances that will allow me to have the vaccine early? 

A       The NHS is not considering any special requests in relation to accessing the vaccine. The JCVI have determined the priority groups for the vaccine and as we deliver the programme we will follow national guidance on who receives the vaccine and when

Q       Can I have my vaccination at the Surgery when I attend for an appointment for something else like I do for my flu vaccination?

A       No, covid vaccinations have to be done in a special clinic because we have to draw up individual vaccines from a vial. The vaccine has a very short shelf life once the seal on the vial is broken so we have to ensure we use all the doses to prevent wastage.

Q       My child/I have a learning disability – will they/I get the vaccine?

A       If you or your child is over the age of 16 and is on our register as having a profound and severe learning disability an invitation will be sent.

Q       I am over the age of 60 but haven’t heard about my vaccine?

A       Anyone over the age of 60 can attend the vaccination centres – follow this link to book in:  If you cannot book online, please contact the surgery to book an appointment for the vaccine.

Q       When will I get my second dose?

A       Approximately 12 weeks after your first dose and you will be contacted, there is no need to contact the surgery.  The second dose should be the same brand as the first dose.



We have so far vaccinated over 7,000 patients within our PCN (which comprises Towcester Medical Centre, Brackley Medical Centre, Springfield Surgery and Brook Health Centre). This represents nearly everyone in the first four priority groups as set out by the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation).
We are now contacting patients in Group 6 – individuals aged 16-64 with underlying health conditions making them clinically vulnerable. This is a huge cohort of people, and it will take some time for us to work through this group. Please be patient and do not call the surgery until we have contacted you (by text or phone).
Patients in Group 5 (those aged 65 and over) are being asked to book their vaccinations at the mass vaccination centres. You will receive a letter telling you how to book your appointment.

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There appear to be a number of scams in operation regarding covid 19 vaccinations – please be aware that we will never ask you for payment for your vaccination and we will never ask for your bank details. Check before you click on any link that the text is genuine – if it looks odd it is probably is odd! You may receive texts or letters from us asking you to book your covid 19 vaccination but usually not an email.

You will all have seen the reports on the news regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.

You may also be aware that the logistics of distributing this vaccine is somewhat challenging.

The vaccine IS coming – but please bear with us.

We are currently working our way through the priority lists – those aged 60 years old and above with an underlying health condition are being contacted now and booked in the next available clinic. Also those identified as clinically extremely vulnerable are being contacted. If you think a member of your family (aged 60 or above with an underlying health condition or extremely clinically vulnerable) has not yet had the vaccination and you think has not yet been contacted – please contact Towcester Medical Centre and enquire – it may be that we have been trying to contact but unable to get through. We are keen to reach everyone possible.

The next tranche of patients will be contacted in the next couple of weeks – we will update here when we move on to the next tranche.

The vaccine vaccination programme – Frequently Asked Questions:

Follow this link to find out more…

Please DO NOT contact the surgery – we cannot book an appointment for you for the Covid-19 vaccine until you have been invited.

WE WILL CONTACT YOU – by phone or by text or by letter. Once you have received contact there is a link provided to book an appointment online if you can, but if you cannot do this do not worry, the surgery will telephone you to book an appointment.


Watch this space for more news!

The vaccine centre hub for this area is Brackley Medical Centre, Wellington Road, Brackley, NN13 6QZ – situated just before you enter Brackley right next door to the big new Sainsbury’s store. Head for Sainsbury’s and you should then see signs for Brackley Medical Centre.

Currently, due to the number of vaccines available, only those aged 80+ are invited. This will be expanded once more vaccines become available to us. And again, we will contact you – please do not contact us to try to book an appointment.

Covid 19 Vaccination – Why do I have to wait (Public Health England leaflet):

Second Dose:

In light of new advice from the UK Chief Medical Officers with regard to the vaccine for covid-19, the NHS in Northamptonshire intends to reschedule the majority of second vaccinations. The new medical advice is that the second dose of the vaccine remains effective when given up to 12 weeks after the first dose, and should be given towards the end of this 12 week period.

People will need two doses of the vaccine to get the best long-term protection from the virus, but will still have a significant level of protection at 22 days after receiving the first dose. The new guidance will also help ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the first dose of the vaccine as soon as possible.  Please be reassured that there are no safety concerns in the new guidance, and it will not impact on how effective the vaccination is in protecting you from Covid-19 once the course is complete.

This means changing large numbers of appointments. If an appointment is going to be changed we will get in touch with you. If you do not hear from us, then please attend your appointment as planned. Given the numbers of people we need to contact and the time it will take, please do not contact the hospitals or GP practices as they are extremely busy. Your call may prevent one that is more critical from getting through.

We thank you for your understanding and patience.

Click on this link for all our Coronavirus news and updates: Coronavirus