As the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown eases we at Towcester Medical Centre are starting to open up for more routine business.
The waiting room is now open, please be kind enough to wear a face covering and sanitise your hands on entry. Our waiting room is set out to accommodate patients whilst keeping socially distant. Of course, if you prefer, you can still wait in your car – please tell the Receptionist if you wish to do this.
Our systems are now booking appointments in advance. Appointments will mostly be by telephone initially – the doctor will make a face to face appointment if necessary. Within the next month we will start to have some face to face appointments that can be booked in advance and this includes our surgery at Paulerspury. These will be few to start with, particularly at Paulerspury as the waiting room is small and can only accommodate 1-2 people at the most.
We still have a duty doctor for emergencies – but this is for things that cannot possibly wait, for example chest pain, severe and acute pain in any part of the body that has suddenly come on, urine infections etc.
Anything that has been present for more than a couple of days that can wait should be booked as an advance appointment.
Our receptionists will advise the best and quickest route for you to speak to your GP or nurse or other practitioner depending on the issue.
Please be patient – we are experiencing high demand at the moment and we will do our best to see you as soon as we can.