Getting your test results
Please note that it is the responsibility of all patients to follow up their own test results.
Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:
- in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- by using Patient Access
- by calling the surgery on 01327 359953
- Alternatively, if you have queries on your test results, you can submit an Online Consultation.
NHS Login
Blood Tests
Blood tests are carried out at both Towcester and Paulerspury Surgeries in morning surgeries only.
Blood test results can take up to a week (sometimes longer) to come back into the surgery. Please check your online app for progress or call after 7 days if you are wanting to know the results.
Other Samples
Please ensure any other samples that need to be sent to the pathology lab for testing (e.g urine) are returned to the surgery by 12:00pm
Samples are collected by the lab in the middle of the day which is why blood clinics are in the morning and samples must be returned by 12:00pm. Samples left in the fridge overnight deteriorate which could mean that the results are inaccurate or that the test needs to be repeated.
Please note that to maintain confidentiality, we are not able to give results to anyone other than the patient. The only exceptions are for parents of children under the age of 16 or where written consent has been given by the patient concerned.
When test results are received back into the surgery, we may contact you depending on the result:
- 1. If there is a serious or urgent concern with your results a doctor will contact you as soon as they get the result.
- 2. If there is a non-urgent issue that the doctor wishes to speak to you about, they may telephone you, issue you medication or add a note to your record asking you to book a phone call.
- 3. If your results are normal, the doctor will file the test as ‘test result normal – no further action required’. If you have an ongoing investigation into something, you still may wish to speak with a doctor, so please complete our online form should you need anything further.