School Nurses

The start of a child’s life is especially important for laying down the foundations for health and well being in later years. School nurses work with children, parents, carers and teachers, offering support and advice on a range of issues.  They play a vital role in children’s development, carrying out immunisation and screening programmes, managing medical conditions and acting as a point of contact on child protection issues.

When a child enters school or moves to the area, the local school nursing teams are informed via liaison with their health visiting colleagues or transfer area. Contact with the child and family takes place at school entry via a school readiness review.

If you are new to an area you can contact the school nurse team through the school your child is attending or directly with the local team.

Your child will be offered a review of growth, emotional and physical development at regular intervals in the school setting or at an alternative clinic setting if required.

School nurses clinics are usually available 9am-5pm weekdays, with some extended clinic times at the start and end of the day.

You can contact your school nursing team for information and advice about your child’s health and development or parenting issues. For example, sleep, eating, minor illness, behaviour and routines, emotional health and wellbeing or information about local children’s services.

Our local school nurses can be contacted on 0300 111 1022