Electronic Prescription Service

EPS enables the doctor to send your prescriptions electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for you, the practice and the pharmacist as nobody has to handle paper prescriptions.

EPS is reliable, secure and confidential.  Your electronic prescription will only be seen by the same people in the surgery, the pharmacy and the NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now.

Using EPS means you don’t have to come to the surgery to pick up a paper prescription.  Instead we will send it electronically to the pharmacy you choose saving you time.  You can choose to get your medications from a pharmacy close to where you live or work or go shopping and you may not have to wait as long for your repeat prescription to be ready.

EPS may not be suitable for you if you don’t get prescriptions very often or if you pick up your medicines from different places.

How can you use EPS?

Any of our reception staff can set you up for EPS all you need to do is nominate a pharmacy to which we will send your prescription electronically.  If you change your mind about using EPS or wish your prescriptions to go to a different pharmacy please let us know before your next prescription is due so we can ensure it doesn’t go to the wrong place.

For more information on EPS visit EPS Guide for Patients